creative practice
b o o k
1. water turn to ice

A zine for the end of the world.
Handset type on a Vandercook Press: body in Univers 14 pt and Futura 12 pt; title in Umbra.
Text by The Pattern and Costar.
Designed, composed, and printed at Apiary Press, Smith College, March 12-14 2020.

2. the raven
Assignment for ARS 275. A digital booklet of "The Raven," modeled after eighteenth-century children's literature. Available at 
3. snow & dirty rain
Final project for ARS 275: The Book: Theory & Practice. A digital booklet of Richard Siken's poem "Snow & Dirty Rain," with original illustrations. Available at​​​​​​​
w o r d
December 2020. selections from SWG360: Memoir Writing. This memoir looks to food and sensory experiences to explore affect, relationships, and a budding sense of self. 
May 2020. Twine game, "Wash Your Hands," final project for SWG300: Queer Visual Cultures. 
“Wash Your Hands” chronicles a single week in March 2020—from Monday to Monday—but every player is free to explore this week at their own pace, by, for example, dipping into childhood memories and fast-forwarding to the pandemic spread of COVID-19. At its core, it is a quest for queer love and belonging in the midst of a tenuous temporality. For an explanatory essay, go here.
first image written with processing 
i m a g e
watercolor & marker sketches.
above: digital photography, fujifilm finepix.
mixed media zine: "pure color."
creative practice

creative practice
