Turku AMK Media's profile

The marketing and documentation of the performing arts

As a freshman cinema student I was very intrigued by the interdisciplinary possibilities offered by the Turku Arts Academy. It had been in the back of my mind before starting university to develop my networking skills and aim to experiment with other disciplines by getting involved in interdisciplinary productions. During the first year this was to become something that would really feed my creative soul, but that I did not know yet in the autumn of 2018. Little by little, months passed and I found myself documenting and photographing puppetry shows, circus acts as well as theatre pieces and at the same time I was getting really fond of what I was doing, I was getting exponentially inspirited by the possibilities they had to offer audiovisually. By the end of the first academic year I was doing trailers and ads for circus and theatre pieces, and as a cherry on the top of the cake, I found myself by the start of the second year being a documentarist in an interdisciplinary and international production done between Finnish Lapland and Iceland. For the project there hasn’t been any strict educational source material that I would’ve been following throughout the year. That is not to say to they’ve all been original ideas and came out of some magical artistic void, uncontaminated by clichés and homages. No, I believe that there have plenty of source material for the productions I’ve taken upon, as I have a firm belief that we act like sponges, so to speak - we take in all the stuff that surrounds us, be that podcasts, books, tv-series, comics, youtube-channels, poems, films, performance art, theatre pieces, everyday conversations etc. and bits and pieces of that stuff will end up being visible, one way or another, in our artistic productions, whether we like it or not. In this matter curiosity has been a constant companion, meaning that I have had a sort of a natural enthusiasm to do some research before taking upon a new project. 
The marketing and documentation of the performing arts

The marketing and documentation of the performing arts


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