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Custom WordPress Website for Holy Cross Lutheran Church

Project Overview

What a privilege it has been to work with Holy Cross Lutheran Church in building a new website. This group is willing to accept and embrace technology to help meet their mission of sharing God’s love through faith in Christ. Katherine, Web Administrator and Technology Coordinator, handled the change of learning a brand new website CMS – WordPress – with grace and style. The church staff understands the importance of adapting and changing to serve the needs of their membership, young and old alike.


The initial goal for the new website was to first evaluate the existing website, which had previously been built with Joomla. The content needed to be organized, the design needed to be updated and the functionality needed to be improved. The church wanted a way to reach out to the community but also allow a private area for church members only. This website needed to appeal to young people, but also strive to serve multiple generations – and have a sense for those with a serious love of Christ.


An initial design was proposed; the layout was readily accepted but it was the colors – the visual look and feel that we struggled with. We went through three design revisions before deciding on a bold and colorful scheme that wasn’t overwhelming, but had airy feel with jovial splashes of color behind the strong Holy Cross logo. A new, custom designed WordPress theme was built and coded according to the final design.


A home page slide show is provided, with links to featured articles. A feedback option called “Share Your Thoughts” is available on every page of the website.A special login area was created for members only. This system included a registration and approval process before accessing internal documents.Sermons are now posted to the website instead of previously sent as email attachments.
Custom WordPress Website for Holy Cross Lutheran Church

Custom WordPress Website for Holy Cross Lutheran Church

A custom WordPress website created to focus on the church's mission of “Sharing God’s Love Through Faith in Christ”. This site was designed and b Read More
