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United States of America Map Illustration

United States of America Map Illustration. Perhaps my largest single piece of work project to date has been this illustrated map of the United States of America. Following on from the success of the Taiwan and Scotland maps I decided to have a go at illustrating a country I’ve never been to and for me the natural choice was the USA.
We’ve all watched shows about the USA on the television but unless you’ve been there or really seriously researched the country you may not know that each state in the USA not only has it’s own speciality food but it also has it’s own weird or wonderful landmark. This could be a milk bottle shaped building, a watermelon water tower or whatever.
The whole purpose of the map illustrations I’ve created to date is to encourage the viewer to travel to and discover these wonderful features of each country. I don’t know about you but now I’ve finished this map, despite taking a few weeks to complete, I want to travel to the USA more than ever.
United States of America Map Illustration

United States of America Map Illustration

Map illustration of United States of America
