For decades, the agency formerly known as “Malaysian Industrial Development Authority” has played key roles in promoting and attracting investments into the country.  Today, having renamed “Malaysian Investment Development Authority” or MIDA – and at the point when the country is undertaking an economic transformation – MIDA seeks to rebrand and reposition itself to have more strategic fit and focus in the new environment.

The communications challenge ahead for MIDA is not only to convey to the world how attractive Malaysia is as a place to do business and where the specific investment opportunities lie, but also to project Malaysia as true global destination for business investments.
Having analysed the macro environment, competitive landscape, best practices and stakeholders input including a workshop with stakeholders within the organisation, we helped the client to come up with a revised brand positioning and strategy. This is then extended to visual identity and communication which reflect MIDA’s revitalised role – the central authority in accelerating the country’s investment agenda.
Malaysian government and government linked identities landscape (and I haven't picked the worst just to prove a point).
Half way through the project, MIDA's changed CEO and as a direct consequence, our approved direction got rejected and we were forced to start the design process all over again.
New identity launch event officiated by the Malaysian Prime Minister.
MIDA Rebranding

MIDA Rebranding

Government Identity Rebrand


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