Color Psychology Brochure
Project Statement
The purpose of this project is to create an informative brochure that delves into the fascinating realm of color psychology. By examining the profound impact colors have on human emotions, behavior, and perceptions, this brochure aims to educate and enlighten readers about the powerful influence of color in various aspects of life.

The objectives were to educate readers about the fundamentals of color psychology, including the theories and principles behind how different colors evoke specific emotions and reactions and how marketers use this to influence purchases. It is also meant to encourage readers to reflect on and understand the subconscious messages conveyed by their choices.

My message explains colors possess the power to influence emotions, perceptions, and behaviors. Cultural and personal experiences also shape individual responses to color.
By understanding color psychology, individuals and businesses can make informed decisions to create impactful designs, communicate messages effectively, and enhance experiences. Color choice is a powerful tool for expressing identity, invoking moods, and shaping environments.

Initial outlines
Initial brainstorm
Color wheels of emotion associations
Sketches & Illustrations
Sketches finalized using Procreate

