Brian D's profile


Week 4 - Landscape

‘Landscape’ is not a word I word associate with London suburbs, so I investigated a local estate which is a popular with families at weekends. This was a lakeside option which allowed a combination of trees and almost calm water on a [fortuitously] blue-sky day.

I tried long exposure which didn’t work because of the wind in the trees. Instead I settled on using a polariser which helped lift the blue and show the shallows better.

In hindsight I would have recced the location[s] properly in advance. Studying maps is all very well but until you actually stand on the spot you can’t know what the restrictions will be and how you will have to compromise. It’s the old adage of ‘fail to prepare, prepare to fail’.

24-120 zoom at 24mm, f8, 1/15, ISO 64



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