Magazine Redesign – Spesialpedagogikk


Spesialpedagogikk – redesign

Spesialpedagogikk is a journal published by Utdanningsforbundet  — The Union of Education Norway — for special educators, social workers and others involved in education in schools and kindergartens. The journal is a leader in the field with four issues per year and an average readership of 63,000.

Tank Design has been developing Spesialpedagogikk since 2001. We have done the design, framing and photo/illustration, and during the course of time we have created multiple redesigns. In 2023, in collaboration with the Utdanningsforbundet, we set out to update the entire journal in order to meet the new requirements for universal design.

We have elevated the content through optimal readability, strong colour contrasts and consistently straightforward navigation. Thin lines from the typeface work as an additional design touch in elements such as pagination, byline, end of article, and citations.

The use of photos is necessary, but delicate subjects are often better explained through illustrations.
The interplay between images and illustrations makes the journal interesting to read.

The front cover now features a new typographic header with a headline typeface that is distinctive, clear,
and easy to recognise from issue to issue.
Magazine Redesign – Spesialpedagogikk