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Urban Art Meets Beach Fashion

A estampa gráfica foi criada em resposta à necessidade de harmonizar o Calligraffiti, um estilo de arte urbana, com a estética vibrante e descontraída da moda de praia. O processo criativo envolveu a fusão de traços fluidos e letras estilizadas características do Calligraffiti com elementos que evocam a energia e a vitalidade associadas à cultura praiana.

The graphic print was created in response to the need to harmonize Calligraffiti, a style of urban art, with the vibrant and relaxed aesthetics of beach fashion. The creative process involved merging fluid strokes and stylized letters characteristic of Calligraffiti with elements that evoke the energy and vitality associated with beach culture.
Urban Art Meets Beach Fashion

Urban Art Meets Beach Fashion
