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Stoneymollan to Carman

Stoneymollan Muir to Carman Hill
This is an easy walk affording beautiful views over both Loch Lomond and the River Clyde. Starting from Balloch you walk up Stoneymollan road and onto Stoneymollan Muir up to a fence and style that mark the start of Darleith Muir and its forestry. We turn left before the style and carry on up onto the moorland of Tullichewan Muir and continue on up to Bromley Muir Trig Point. From Bromley Muir you can look south of Bonhill and the town of Dumbarton over the River Clyde to Renfrewshire and Glasgow in the distance. Looking west you can see more of the Clyde as it passes the towns of Greenock and Dunoon. Looking north you'll be looking back at Loch Lomond and its islands which you will have enjoyed views of for most of the walk so far. From Bromley Muir keep following the path over the next couple of hills. The last hill in the line is Carman Hill which has a very interesting history, as it was the site of an Iron Age Hill Fort. It will be difficult to know what to look for while you're up there, though the shape of the fort can be clearly seen from the reservoir and the village of Renton. After admiring the view of Dumbarton and the Clyde from Carman, you can descend down a couple of small paths (these are a little overgrown as the hill has had less visitors since a wild fire a number of months ago). These paths all lead to Cardross Road. From here you can either following the public footpath down to the village of Renton, or you can follow Cardross Road back to Renton. If you stop at the reservoir keep your distance from the geese, or they will escort you from their home!

Stoneymollan to Carman

Stoneymollan to Carman


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