C.A.S.E. the Vote
Logo Design, Web Development, Branding

Congregations Affiliated to Strengthen Elections (C.A.S.E.), is a nonpartisan nonprofit with a very simple, yet crucial mission — help the Faith Community mobilize their congregations and their extended communities to participate in the elections process vigorously.
Founded in 2020, C.A.S.E. needed to develop their brand and develop it quick to work coincide with the 2020 elections.

I was tasked with developing the organization's branding, including the logo, color palette and typography along with a website and key marketing collateral.
For the logo, I wanted to create a clear voting-focused design while using colors other than red and blue to come off as more bi-patrician with respect to party affiliation of congregations and their members.
For the website, it was focused more toward older congregation members. To design for this demographic meant clear directions to each page and all information was either repeated or the center of the views attention. This ensured the viewer was walking away with the information they needed without having to search very long.​​​​​​​
For usage in press conference backdrops, videos, virtual backgrounds and other marketing collateral, a wide-range of designs were implemented and readily available for organization members.

2,011 unique website visits and 3,955 total website visits
7 media mentions including CBS3 and WURD Radio
* These numbers represent the campaign's initial implementation period of October 3 - November 3, 2020

"I have had the privilege of having Will Careri’s assistance in both the formation of our organization, and in its actual operations. Briefly put, Will is peerless. He has a sensitive eye for design and presentation, and he listens perceptively and constructively. He engages as part of the team, conscientiously assisting us in carrying out our mission. Besides his professional skills, Will has demonstrated that he is a person of integrity and conscience. It is a rare bonus to have someone serving in a consulting capacity that feels like… well, family. Will Careri is the recipient of both my trust and my highest endorsement."
Nick Taliaferro, Co-Founder of C.A.S.E. the Vote
C.A.S.E. the Vote


C.A.S.E. the Vote

Congregations Affiliated to Strengthen Elections (C.A.S.E.), is a nonpartisan nonprofit with a very simple, yet crucial mission — help the Faith Read More
