Caitlin DeCuir's profileFunded by The Adobe Creative Residency's profile

Adobe Creative Residency // Comic Bakery


At the beginning of 2020 I started a comic, originally as a much smaller zine for my senior capstone, and it snowballed into a larger passion project dedicated to illustrating the colorful world of Comic Bakery: a saga of animals working retail jobs and getting mad at cheese.

Thanks to the help of the Adobe Creative Residency fund I was able to dedicate the month of November to sitting down and drawing nothing but comics! During my time with Adobe I was able to draw 16 new comics, as well as some companion pieces for the final book design. As we head into December I am excited to announce that Comic Bakery’s first book is ready for printing, and here you can get a taste of some of those comics and the daily process of how they were all drawn.


The first step of making Comic Bakery is to wait for something funny to happen. That's it. Sometimes good content can come from the mundane things, but the best stories are the ones that left me going "what just happened" and "that could be a good comic one day." I have a pocket journal dedicated to capturing these rough thumbnails on the go, and its sole purpose is to get the script and general ideas down fast. This is a good time to play around with the raw emotions and placement without worrying about much else.

These comics are then peer reviewed by my dedicated feathery design firm (pictured below) and the process moves onto the digital world.
Using Adobe Photoshop CC I start with a more refined sketch of the character's shapes and posture based off the original thumbnails, which then leads into the line art, colouring, and finally illustrating background and finishing touches that complete each comic! Featured is a time-lapse of this process.
A Book of Retail and Sometimes Other Things
While the comic is full of goofs and relatable work content, my intention with this book is to show how differently people will treat to you once you’ve put on an apron and a name-tag. This book encourages kindness and appreciation for each-other by poking fun of the moments that sometimes neglect to do so. The simple act of being patient and kind to both workers and customers alike goes a long way, especially in the year that has been 2020.
Thank you to Graphic Google and Madebyme for the use of their mock-ups.
Adobe Creative Residency // Comic Bakery

Adobe Creative Residency // Comic Bakery
